Saturday, November 14, 2009

Crazy Isn't It?

Remember the rock glasses for children from the 60s? Put a few stones in it with some secret ingredients, you polish them stuck in a week and the stones out - allegedly. If you feel how your investments are increasingly seen as the polished stones you want and you want to get your investments out of the rock cups, read on.

Traditional marketing to see what should people do at the cost-benefit analysis. In the past 10 years, the conversationwas expanded to also look at what people do in fact. The study of neuro-economics and psychology of the economy, the resulting new fields.

The psychology of the economy, as many of you might suspect, has much to do with the fact that dreaded four-letter word: fear, and it's bunk mate: greed. But when you hear what is happening in the financial markets to get the answers in Numbers: What's wrong, what is below, rates above the low point. While the policy makers to speak in terms of"Trust" and "panic", the reality and figures can convey different meanings when it comes onto the market panic, or the actual value of a share - but what is it? And if you panic, then how does consider a true value of a stock or fund?

Think of it this way: the financial system was given the diagnosis of cancer. We see symptoms, but the ability to stop and ask questions ( "What kind of cancer?" "Where is this cancer?" How do we deal with this cancer? ") Notwidespread in our conversation. Why? Since the patient is in fear, running on the streets around his hospital gown they cry has cancer. And the doctor has to say to calm the patient to "".

We have never been a sustainable choices in fear. We do not make sustainable choices by not in denial about our fears. And obviously, as the failure of traditional economics points out, people do not behave rationally when it comes to money.

The last few weeks angryFinancial News is a good example of what our fear-thinking looks like and what the market looks like when trying to create value or worth. It is the rock-tumbler over again - Stocks to shocks and beatings with each other and exercise - with the hope that it will arise, which are only the quality of investment. Would not that be nice? Confidence for the market to a place investors, we need an honest look at ourselves and how the market works.

Fear, greed, ignorance isthe current psychological structure of our free market system. Long term, folks have always done well in the market because worth and value can be measured. Short term they tend to "lose" (remember the infamous trend of the day trader?), because fear and greed tend to be stronger in the absence of information. Here are three suggestions for you to get out of this tumbler of up and down and feeling at the mercy of something uncontrollable.

Rule Number One

We have to grow up!

I know that sounds harsh. Before you decide how you will be offended, let me explain. It's never pleasant to look at our "shadow", but that is where fear and greed run amok.

In connection with our shadow is the proper response is confronted, it must be asked, "What are you doing here, to teach me?" "What role do you play in my life, a situation or current circumstances?" When we are ready to shoot, and with him we have the opportunity for growth and deepchange.

An essential part of our shadow is "too busy". A recent study showed that 67% of investors did not understand their investments. 70% had become a not created. 79% did not know what their parents' financial plans for retirement or long-term care. 65% did not go to their personal checkbook. 89% do not discuss the basics of money skills with their children. The reason? "Time". In the 21 Century, we seem too busy to take the case. Then, if we decide we want toaddress important issues, we want the information easy to read under "simple" "" formats. Some, like we want to learn the need for our end with our traditional school.

If we decide to follow us to continue our education, our next step will be to implement the answer is never out of the same fact that the problem created (yes, the famous Albert Einstein!) If this is the essence of growing up: the full responsibility for the what you do, what do you know what you chose not to know, and what youdo not know yet. I will ask you to regard your ego mind and the resistance to this approach. Note how the ego is trying it, the victim of circumstances.

Here's a common feeling of this shadow voices:

"The problem is that too many people who do not have down payments and good credit could buy houses"

In essence, the shadow of guilt loves - "It happened to me!" Shadow screams!

Here is the reality:

These mortgages were secured and packedin securities with lax regulations. And the risk analysis for the use of these funds, the false information (see history), how they would preform. If this were not allowed, plain or carried the risk of investing "their effect on the market would be completely different.

Whose business is knowing the risk of investing?

The essence of growing up: Voices from the immature notion that we can page our money (or life, health, children or anything else that "our") to another personand they will "take care of it." The true guru, consultant or mentor you always taught to be independent and want you weaned the need for them, and withdraw into their own inner wisdom.

Rule Number Two

Adoption New Thinking!

All actions are in what and how we think is based. If we do not like the results of our actions, we must change our thinking! "How?" You ask. Detect. (In a way, non-judgmental way, replace old unproductive thinking, "Iknows nothing about the market, this is my financial planner has the task) with responsible thinking (I need to read and enough to draw my planner to account if my investments are preforming wrong, the general market) comparison.

If the new thinking is a different shade of the same shade, it is obviously useless. This is the second area that I see with folks struggle. My clients are the face of particular challenges, homework, if not completely - I shoot! If the process of sorting,demanding and unlearning old common opinion is simple and comfortable, then you've done something wrong. The reward this hard work (either an individual or a couple) is a life with a solid foundation. The world is crazy and you're still okay.

Two of my leg pieces of homework are: The Voice in the Head, Journal and Journal of gratitude. The Voice in the Head Journal is about consciousness. The left hemisphere of our brain is the home language, linear thinking and theEgo-personality. In the comfort of this "house", most of our thoughts from day to day the same - approximately 96% of them. If this does not blow your socks off, a closer look. This means that we are not the thinker of our thoughts. To incorporate the ideas and "think" they, like the automatic unconscious, repetitive babble that we are constantly made of the same that we have in our lives now - even if we do not like it! Perhaps you now see why I can hold the feet of my clients to the fire when it comes to this journal. Thoughtsfor money, who is responsible for the care of our money to determine our relationship to money all of our financial success.

The second piece, is the Gratitude Journal are necessary to the balance of the general DNA is always supporting us to achieve, to produce them. We have some things right! We have good relations. We achieve dreams. We make a mean meatloaf. We give our time, talent or treasure for those who need them. If we want more of what is right, then we need to focus on them. WE AREFEEL IT! Consistently, lovingly grateful to feel it! . To create the life of our dreams, this list is more important than the black list (things that we do not want in our lives.) These nuggets are the ingredients of gratitude for the life we want. Perhaps you have only one or two points on this list, go right now. I promise you, if you will make that list faithfully every day, more to come. Try it out - I can double-dog dare you!

Rule Number Three

Good questionsAsk!

You must learn to ask good questions. If you receive a diagnosis of cancer, you might need in the doctor's office and say, my life is over? No, you hear what the doctor says, and then you go get your own research does not second and third opinion, do more research and find what combination of treatments work for you. This can only happen with the persistence of good questions.

Part of the service I provide to my clients teaches this skill. Assessment of your emotions, whichPsychology from where you learn in your circumstances and to ask good questions at all. (Pssst! The first good question: "What is a good question?") If you have something like coaching on how to ask good questions, email me and I'll send you a generic list of questions designed to help anyone .

My two cents on the ongoing crisis

We have fought for decades for a financial cancer. Just like cancer, decides if a rogue cell it wants to do their own thing - withwithout regard to the consequences for the rest of the cells and body, our economic advantage to the few at the expense of the many brought us yet another opportunity to evaluate this collective shadow, this cancer.

From the savings and loan debacle of the 80s, the junk bond scandals, has the world Comm and Enron implosion, the dot com bubble burst, the cancer was with us. Our failure has been the weakness of our collective psyche. With every debacle and recreation, we want toto think that we have been healed. As a cancer survivor I know the feeling of wanting to "cure" only too well. I would be foolish to stop at my check-ups - no matter how much time to take it and I feel the disruption to my life. Healthy vigilance is to survive what most survivors. As Thomas Jefferson said: "Constant vigilance is the price of liberty."

We treat our financial cancer "episodes" as throat infection - an acute illness rather than chronic, systemic one, it actually is. WheneverWe have treated "the symptom, the disease come back bigger and stronger. My grandmother would say: "Stop callin ', the cat with the black stripes a cat, I smell skunk!" Meaning, we are not correctly identified the problem.

Are there any good places for your money? Yes, but if you want your money to someone's hand and have it feel comfortable, then move money around is pointless. They are just more of the same. First you have on your self: Grow up. To think clear. Ask goodAsk.

In a remarkable study by FINRA investors, 10 questions were formulated to assess sophisticated investors. 65% of investors thought their portfolios were assured of the 10 questions, no group of respondents scored more than 50% correct. If your kids made, the low on their tests, they would otherwise school. More than two thirds of respondents (69%) described themselves as "somewhat familiar" about the market. The glimmer of hope in the study: 97% of respondents wanted to learnmore about finances and investments.

Do you know what a Collateral Debit Obligation (CDO) is? Do you know what a Credit Default Swap (CDS) is? One was modestly regulated, and the other has never been regulated. These two instruments, along with ignorance have created the un-holy trinity of our financial implosion.

Of course this is just my humble opinion. I encourage you to develop your own opinion.

In the current financial situation, there is plenty of blame and Recriminations have made - by the rating system for stocks and bonds that is damaged, the lack of control in order to stand the inhuman decisions with the facade and the protection of "free market economy." This is not a political issue. Cancer cells would be good to ask this question! Until we really know what is happening and do our part, we can never the situation clearly.

Just like a cancer patient who recognizes no one is necessarily what they can do for a"Healing" - it is always a process of treatment, nutrition, exercise, attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, and yes, a power greater than ourselves that we get through to the healing process. To have to go through our financial cancer, the same rigorous process. This can only happen with sober adult patients with boom and bust cycle that are willing to search their power and shade grown, and ask humbly for guidance and healing in our part of the global correction.

I see evidence every day, despitetemporary circumstances and events, the natural order of the universe is a balance. How long we take to move back into balance is always with us. One is in equilibrium, we can stay there or go "back to sleep", thus giving up our vigilance and move back out of balance.

If nothing else comes from this global financial crisis, we have clear evidence that we have one Earth, one economy, one people, and we are all good and none of us are good.

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